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(2007 oct 29)
by El Jer Cortial and zescript


El Jer Cortial
Gregori "ZeGoret" Clauzel
Patrice "ZePatou" Pawlak
Gilles "ZeCaptN" Desmoulins
Yves "ZeYpez" Mesnard
Bastien "ZePinpin" Capozzi
Olivier Bau
il Vincenzo
Special thanks : il Marco PSG, Bib, Miss Maud, Yves Riviere, el sCALP, Gerard Aubriot, Anab
Zone IP Exhibition thanks : Jean C., Kimi, Sin young, La Guenette team, Pierro, Djmobilephone
Sponsors/friends : elshopo.com - pacap materiaux composites

Super Streaker Site : http://superstreaker.zescript.info/
Zescript Site: http://zescript.info
Contact : http://www.elshopo.com/contact/index.php

Super Streaker was designed as an arcade-art-experimental installation. Feel free to contact us for any proposition of exhibitions, projects, business, connexion.

Looking for sponsors! Be proud to support Super Streaker project!

Super Streaker Team with 2 streakettes Sin Young and Kimi -